Saturday, January 2, 2010

Behind the scenes


Many of these man and women are still doing studies with me!

I wanted to give you an update on the ongoing ministry in China and Malaysia. I don’t often mention it in my prayer letters or in this blog because of the sensitive nature of some of it. However there are some exciting and continuous results.

For one thing there are over twenty students involved in a year round email Bible study. All of the participants have good English skills. We often share prayer request and I even get to talk to some of them on occasion via Skype (the internet phone service). They range from pastor to worship leader to several schoolteachers to students in the University. I put the most recent study below so you could get an idea of what I’m giving them.

Daily Reading

January 2 – January 8

January 2

Nehemiah 3:1-32

  1. Don’t worry about how to pronounce the name. Focus on how Nehemiah brought together such a large team to help accomplish God’s will. Who is the team you are united with to accomplish God’s will for your life in 2010? What do you need to do to unite as one with them?

  1. Read again verse 1 and verse 32. What Gate is mentioned in the first and last verse of this chapter? As you look over this chapter you find several other gates and key places along the wall. If you look on a map of the city you find the places are laid out in a circle around the city. What does that tell you about Nehemiah’s planning?

  1. Reread verses 20. What is said about Baruch? Are you like Baruch? Who do you know who is a Baruch for God?

January 3

Nehemiah 4:1-6

  1. Whenever you start living for God our enemy moves against us. What kind of opposition does the enemy take in these verses?

  1. Have you ever experienced someone mocking you for your faith? How does Nehemiah respond? How can you learn from this?

January 4

Nehemiah 4:7-23

  1. Once the attempt to mock the builders fails then they threats get bigger. What kind of threats do you find in these verses?

  1. Nehemiah and his builders take several steps to counter this growing threat. What steps do they take?

  1. Have you ever experienced threats because of your faith? What do you learn about countering threats in your own life? How can you apply them to your life today?

January 5

Nehemiah 5:1-19

  1. The first attacks from the enemy came from the outside. When that doesn’t work the enemy moves to the inside. We will focus our attention on verse 14-19. These verses tell us why he was successful in keeping unity with the builders. What do you find in these verses that explain why Nehemiah was so respected by the builders?

  1. Nehemiah was a unique leader. He was very careful not to take advantage of his people. How can you apply this to your own service to God?

  1. Reread verse 19. This is a prayer. Have you noticed that in each attack, although he responds in different ways he always responds with prayer? How can you apply this to your life and service for God?

January 6

Nehemiah 6:1-9

  1. We have moved from attacks that come from the outside to attacks that come from the inside. Now we find an attack that is aimed at the leadership. If the leader can be destroyed then the whole movement can often be stopped. What kind of attack do you find in these verses?

  1. When you are serving God often you are pressured to stop. Even if you know what you are doing is what God wants you to do. Here the enemy tries to draw Nehemiah away from the work God has placed on his heart. How does Nehemiah respond?

  1. How does this help you in your service for God? Can you see the enemy trying to draw you away from that service?

January 7

Nehemiah 6:10-14

  1. This is another attack at this leader Nehemiah. This time he is tempted to compromise what God teaches in his word. In the Bible it says that no one but a priest could enter the temple. In your own words what is the enemy tempting Nehemiah to do in these verses?

  1. What is Nehemiah’s response? What does that tell you about his character?

  1. Are you tempted to compromise what God has clearly told us in His Word? What is the temptation? How are you responding? What do you need to do to overcome this temptation?

January 8

Nehemiah 6:15-16

  1. These two brief verses are very rich in meaning. How long did it take to complete the wall? (Keep in mind that they had been trying to rebuild it for over 100 years.) Why were they successful this time?

  1. How did those observing this respond?

  1. What do you want to see God do in your life this year? Is it something that when people see it happen they will know that it could only have happened with the help of your God? Again, review chapters 4-6 and notice the key role prayer played in meeting these challenges.

Jamie is one of the sweetest people you'd ever want to meet!

I also have some one on one Bible studies that are especially encouraging. My favorite one is with Jamie (not her real name). I’ve mentioned her before. She’s the assistant to the President of Peking University. We are going through the book of Romans. She comes from a Buddhist background, but she calls herself a seeker. I asked Jamiie’s permission to share some of what she wrote so read her unedited words and I hope God will put her in your heart and you will continue to pray for her.

This is from Romans 1 and her words are in blue and my response is in red.

“8.The very last sentence of this section says, "and you also are among those who are called to belong to Jesus Christ." Jamie, this "you" would include you as "called to belong to Jesus Christ." What does it mean to you personally that you have been called to belong to Jesus Christ? How are you responding to that invitation?

Many facilitators once asked me about this question.

I do agree with many of the philosophy ideas from the Bible, and i can gain a lot through learning Bible. I can't agree more with somebody who said that Bible is the tiniest library in the world. And it's quite true that it can help quite my heart when read it. I got peace and wisdom from it. Apart from that, from our facilitators, who acts them out like a devout Christians in front of me, who sacrifice much to serve Him in China though teaching, I believe in God's existing, but I am not sure if God is the only savior for my life and he is the only true God on earth.

I was born in a Buddhist family. My grandma and my mom are both very religious in Buddhism. I was taught many of the Buddhism ideas when I was young, which shaped my personal way of being today. After graduation, I began to know about Christian, which also has been playing an important role in my life. I puzzled many times. Which is true?

This summer, I got to know Kenny's (her fiancée) grandma who has been a Christian for over 40 years. In my eyes, Kenny's grandma and my grandma both exemplify the best of being Christian and Buddhist. They are all so good, nice to people, always sacrifice for others. Different religion, they serve people in the same way, though worship differently. I puzzled again, then explain to myself, no matter what, don't make myself a conformist, just do my utmost to do help people and do meaningful things.

Lucy (not her real name - She is the head of the Chinese staff at Peking University.) has showed me how wonderful God has worked on her. Like Paul, she is also committed herself to God, and God has opened a new door for her. Since her mom passed away last summer, I can't feel her joy for a long time until she met David. I though it is David who takes joy to her. Later I found I was wrong. It should be her God which is the originality and essentiality. I am happy for her to start a new life and I also believed that God has arranged many things for her, included David. Yes, this is a good example for me to witness. Meantime, I am not sure is the grace real from God, but I do witness her change.

We are taught atheism from kinds in China, anyway, different from others, I believe there is God that creates and controls this world, just still needs quite a long time for me to seek. I will keep on going on my seeking road.

This was my favorite part of your work. I felt like you let me into your heart and spirit. You are so honest. Thank you so much for sharing this with me. I didn't know Lucy before but I too have been encouraged by her changed life. Over the years I have seen many, many changed lives and it is so exciting to see God reach into a heart and touch a life.”

Recently Jamie asked if a non-Christian friend of hers could join us in our Bible study. She’s getting married soon and invited me to come and live with her and her new husband and help the church in her town start an English speaking service. That’s probably not possible, but it reflects such a great eagerness for God.

Another study is with a woman named Summer (not her real name) and her son Jerry. We’ve been going through the gospel of John and she writes back to me her understanding of John. At first her understanding was way off, but as time has gone on I can tell she is getting a much better grasp on who this Jesus is. She’s a long way from faith, but I’m praying God will cause those small seeds to grow into a big faith.

I will be returning to China twice this year. I will be there from late February until early April to do some teaching – assuming I get my visa and then I will return for the summer to work with TIP as I’ve done for the last two summers. I appreciate your prayers and support.