Monday, August 24, 2009


Such great times!!!

These are the highest of the highlights of my time in China.  I tried to keep it as brief as I could while giving you a feel of how incredible the time was.  Also, I changed the names just to be safe.  Maybe I’m overdoing it a little, but I want to be wise here.

 Top ten highlights:

A new mode of baptism!

  1. I experienced the weirdest baptism ever.  One of the teachers, Michael, an intelligent and gifted guy was talking to an on fire Chinese staff woman named Lucie.  She found out he had never been baptized and in a few minutes convinced him he needed to be.  They came to me and wanted to know what we could do.  Well, we didn’t have a pool, a river or anything so we improvised.  I’m not sure how his fits with the mode of baptism in the Bible, but we baptized him under the shower.  I told you it was weird, but also very moving and memorable. 
  1. During my time traveling around China I got to visit both government churches and underground churches.  I was moved by both, but was especially glad for the way God opened up doors for me to see the incredible community of the family house church. 

Preaching in Fuzhou
  1.  I had the privilege of speaking at the Hai Dien church & a Fuzhou church.  It was such a thrill and honor to speak at these Chinese churches. 
Bible Club - a unique experience for students

  1. I was given amazing teaching opportunities including the Chinese staff Bible study; American staff Bible study, devotions for staff; and Bible club.  It did make my schedule pretty crazy, but I loved each and every opportunity to serve. 

Lucas - me - Cathy - some of my old Bible Club students 

  1. One of the surprising highlights was near the end of my time in China.  Several of last year’s Bible club students came to visit me and we had an impromptu Bible club with worship, Bible study and the most intimate, sweet prayers you’ve ever heard (in Chinese). 
  1. I bought 10 Bibles and brought 10 Bibles (thanks Jim), got one from a friend and gave my own to a student.  Some were given to Christians and some to interested seekers.  What a great opportunity to sow seeds!
Aaron and me - Can you tell I still have a little jet lag?
  1. In Inner Mongolia, a door opened to share with Sherry’s husband, Aaron.  He took off work to show us around.  We became good friends and continue to email.  I’ve asked him to read through John.   I also got to share with the top students in Sherry’s class.  They practiced their English with me and I got to share openly with them.  I gave them Bibles as gifts. 

This was just after I had meet a most amazing woman - and would soon meet her husband.

  1. The day I spoke at the Hai Dien church I had a few responsibilities that morning so fearing I’d be late I took a taxi.  I got there an hour early!  I sat down on the front row and a woman sat beside me.  We started talking and after a few minutes she told me her husband had started a Bible College for the underground church.  She asked if I had any time to meet with him.  He, his wife, daughter and mother took a two hour bus trip to visit me.  We really hit it off and he asked me if I’d stay and teach.  I told him I couldn’t but would pray about teaching next spring.  Lord willing, I’m planning on teaching “The Life and Writings of Solomon” to underground pastors this next spring.  All I could say was, “Thank you God, thank you.”

Me and Jeanie 

  1. An incredible opportunity presented itself near the end of my time in China.  I asked all the Chinese staff to dinner – 14 in all.  I sat beside a woman named Jeanie.  She’s the liaison between Peking University and TIP.  She’s a very sweet woman.  I asked her if she was a Christian.  She said, “No, but I have a deep respect for Christianity and would like to understand more.”  I offered to do an on line Bible study with her and she said she’d love that.  Next to her was Sarah, an English major at the University.  She had never read the Bible so I offered to give her one.  She seemed genuinely excited and wanted to join our study.  The following day I brought her a Bible and learned that she was the daughter of a former high government official.  Since then another woman has decided to join the study.
  1. The most exciting thing of all was watching Janet and Lilly place their faith in Christ.  After sharing the gospel in Bible club – where everyone is suppose to already be a Christian - Lillie prayed with Sora, my precious co leader.  Janet, a Chinese staff member, was in another Bible study with me.  She indicated she didn’t understand the gospel so I told her I’d love to talk more.  She said, “Just a minute,” then went to talk to her boss.  She came over and said, “Let’s talk.”  She was completely ready to trust Christ.  She’s now back in her home town and going to church for the first time.

* I should mention that since I’ve returned I have continued to have contact with many of my former students and friends.  I send out a weekly on line Bible reading with questions.  They let me know when they have don't understand something about their readings.  I also have several on going conversations via email with some seekers who challenge me with great questions. We've even talked a few  times on Skype.  Our on line Bible study through Romans hasn’t started yet, but I’m looking forward to beginning it any time now. 





Deborah said...

Doc - I praise God for what He did through you this summer. I was praying for you and the other teachers, and am glad to see that once again, God shone His light brightly! Praise the Lord - He is SO good!

Deborah said...

PS. Deborah is Dee from last summer :) Just realized that "Deborah" could confuse you! God bless!

Mandy said...

dad ~ that is amazing and so fun to hear ~ thanks for sharing it all

Joe Don & Jamie Long said...


I am so excited that you are getting to do this amazing work. Have you met anyone with a red Bible written in Chinese? Thanks for sharing. This is a blessing. It makes me want to come too.
