Monday, August 17, 2009


I thought I’d put my tale in the form of a David Letterman’s top ten list.  I’m posting one this week and the really important one next week.  This first top ten list “suffering for Jesus,” well, they actually reflect my wimpee side.  They did, however, help dewimpify me - some.


Top ten suffeing for Jesus events:

  1. Sqattie potties – It took me about two weeks, but I learned the far eastern art of sqattie potties.  Now, I’m an expert – another skill to put on my resume.
  1. Wrong room fear - My great fear was in the middle of the night after my long walk to the potty, I’d return down the hall – with no lights – go into the wrong room and crawl into bed with one of my fellow teachers.  We were close but not that close.  Fortunately, my worst fear was never realized. 
  1. 2 hours of hot water a day – okay now we’re talking about suffering for Jesus.  To make matters worse I would meet students before class (the first hour of hot water) and was in charge of the reading room in the evening (the second hour of hot water).  The reading room was designed to have a place that we could meet with students and have meaningful conversations.  It was great!!  I'd have a conversation or two and then about 9:30 p.m. I’d say, "I’ve got to do something, but I’ll be back in about 30 minutes."  I’d go and take my beloved hot shower and return a much happier and cleaner person.  
  1. Quarantine – The first seven days we were quarantined, restricted to our dorms.   We took daily temperatures, wore masks and had food brought to us.  Although we missed out on seeing some of Beijing, we did get really close as a group.  I think that must have been God’s plan all along. 
  1. Remodeling - They were remodeling our dorm and so from about 7 a.m. until something like 8 p.m. – it varied from day to day – there was the sweet sound of a jack hammer and the aroma of construction dust; cough, cough.  
  1. One bathroom for the dorm - We had a sign that said, “No one; Women; Men”  You put the right sign up; check then enter.  I only had one mishap.  
  1. Wood mattresses – Our beds didn’t have mattresses.  We slept on boards covered by a quilt – still I slept like a baby most of the time.
  1. Falling down – I ran and traveled all around Beijing, Fuzhou and Manzhouli.  I bit the dust 9 times.  I can’t decide is I’m graceful to be so clumsy or clumsy to be so graceful!  Fortunately, I was never seriously hurt.
  1. Internet access- Being new to the campus, at first we had no internet access.  By the end it had improved greatly, but by then I was so busy, I had no time to get on Skype.  I didn’t get to contact my family much. 
  1. Family – This is a new phase for Janelle and me.  Being separated is difficult for both of us.  I was gone most of the summer; will be home for six weeks then gone for almost 3 months.  Pray for us. 




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