Sunday, October 5, 2008


Doc performing "Peter" monologue

Praise band & singers

College students - in my apartment for pizza

Me in the Muslim market shopping during Ramadan

Ken (center) is my jogging buddy

John, Yoke Fong, and Rozzy - part of my discipleship group

That's me teaching the Walk Thru for a class

I've arrived in Malaysia and have been here almost three weeks of my planned three months.  I wanted to give you a quick update.  Things are going well.  They have provided me a nice, comfortable apartment above the church and I'm in walking distance of a couple of supermarkets and a few local restaurants.  I certainly won't starve to death.  Also, the people have been so gracious and welcoming.  I've gone out to dinner with several families and gotten to know a good number of people.  I take lots of pictures and study them to learn the names more quickly.  I'm a little slow, but I'm beginning to put names and faces together.

I have had lots of opportunities to do ministry.  Most of the speaking (but not all) is concentrated on the weekends.  I have spoken 4 or 5 times each weekend (Sunday School, preaching, discipleship group, young people, college students, etc.) so by the end I'm usually pretty exhausted.  I get Monday off so I recharge a little before I jump back into the race. During the week I attend staff meeting, meet with people and do some visiting.   I have something almost every night.  Tomorrow I have staff meeting then I go with Adam (who works with college students) to see the University of Malaysia.  I can't actually get out on the campus because it is a Muslim country and my very presence could put in danger the ministry to college students here.  It is actually against the law to share the gospel with a Muslim.  One staff woman with Campus Crusade was put under so much pressure that she finally felt like she had to leave campus.  There is definitely a spiritual war going on here.    

As you think about it, would you pray that I would maximize my time here.  I need to keep in mind that 3 months is a long time to sprint, so I want to keep a sensible pace, but I also know it will go by quickly so I want to make the most of my time here.  Also, pray for opportunities to get to know some non Christians.  I spend almost all of my time with believers so there isn't a natural time to get with lost people.  I have met a guy named "Augustine."  He showed an interest and I've invited him to come see me, but he hasn't yet.  Finally, pray that I won't give in to loneliness.  I spend a lot of time studying and preparing and with new people, but there aren't any what you might call old friends here.  People I can relax and be myself around - not that being myself is always such a charming thing, but nice to be at least some of the time.  

I hope the pictures give you a feel of what's going on here.  Tune in and I'll keep you posted.  


Nancy said...

Hi Doc,

It is so wonderful to hear from you and receive your updates to your missionary trips. I so wish I could be there with you. I can't imagine being in a place so far from home and not have my friends around to be myself with. Some day I hope I can join you.

Congrats on your new grandson. How precious and what a mighty blessing.

Doc, you are such a blessing to so many. I'll never forget you.

Lots of love and lots of blessings,
Nancy Westbrook

Mandy said...

its so fun to see your pictures dad ~ we miss you and are praying for you

Unknown said...

Way to go, Doc...we are proud of you and enjoy seeing you behind enemy lines! We will be praying for you and appreciate the update -

Calvin for us all

Nand Uncle said...

liked your idea of using prayer for universal peace. one of my friends Father Verghese Alangaden runs a Universal Solidarity Movement and starts all meetings with all religions prayers. I myself use prayer as a tool for strengthening self belief in my happiness workshops.
your post made me feel good about ,what we are doing. Keep blogging!